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Turbo nuevo 49135-05010 53149886444

450,00  IVA incluidoIVA incluido

IVA Incluido

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Turbo nuevo compatible con TF035 49135-05010

Referencias compatibles: 53039880081, 53039880054, 49377-07050, 49377-07052, 0375F6, 49135-05050, 49135-05010, 454061 GARRETT, 99460981, 99466793, 5314 988 6444, 53149886444, K14- 44, 500314776, 454061-5010S, 454061-0010, 454061-0001, 7701044612, 4500939, 9161239, 500314776

  1. Ducato II 2.8 i.d. TD / Renault Master II 2.8 / Opel Movano 2.8 dti : 122 CV / 8140.43
  2. Citroen Jumper 2.8 HDI / Fiat Ducato II 2.8 JTD / Peugeot Boxer II 2.8 HDI: 125 CV / 128 CV
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